deals with the no of arguments that will be passed through the
command line arguments.The command line arguments represent all the
arguments coming through the command line.The no of command line
arguments start with 0.
We will write a sample code check the usefulness of this command.
We need to import the sys module for it.
We will write a sample code check the usefulness of this command.
We need to import the sys module for it.
us run the program and check the output.
Output :-
The first print statement gives us the name of the program as we are giving the argument as 0 (sys.argv[0]).
The second print statement will print the total number of arguments passed in the above program.
We should note the below points regarding command line arguments :-
- The sys.argv takes the command line arguments in the form of a list.
The first element in the list is the name of the file.
The arguments always
come in the form of a string even if we type an integer in the
argument list. We need to use int() function to convert the string
to integer.
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