Reading JSON in Hive is quite trickier but JSON serde has made our life easier.The JSON serde can be downloaded from any third party website.The JSON serde for JSON file is available in Hive 0.12 and later version.
We can download JSON serde from any of the sites like :-
We have downloaded a sample JSON file from
Step 1.) Download the Serde from the above link and store it in any of the required folder .
Step 2.) Once the JSON serde has been downloaded , kindly add it to the Hive using below command.
ADD path/to/jar Jarfile.
Step 3.) Create the required table format using the below syntax .
create external table serde_fruit(fruit string,size string,color string) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.JsonSerde' location ‘/serde_ex’;
Step 4. ) validate the data by using the select query.
We can download JSON serde from any of the sites like :-
We have downloaded a sample JSON file from
Step 1.) Download the Serde from the above link and store it in any of the required folder .
Step 2.) Once the JSON serde has been downloaded , kindly add it to the Hive using below command.
ADD path/to/jar Jarfile.
Step 3.) Create the required table format using the below syntax .
create external table serde_fruit(fruit string,size string,color string) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.JsonSerde' location ‘/serde_ex’;
Step 4. ) validate the data by using the select query.
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