Monday, October 7, 2019

Spark Interview Question

1.) What are the different phases that took place when we submit spark job?

2.) What is Data Lineage?

3.) What is Lazy Evaluation?

4.) What is RDD ?

5.) What is Stage in Spark?

6.) What is DAG?

7.) Difference between Coalesce and Repartition.

8.) What is co group in Spark?

9.) Difference between Map and Flatmap.

10.)Difference between Datasets and Data Frames.

11.)Difference between MR and SPark.

12.) Difference between Cache and Persist.

13.) What do you mean by in memory calculation in spark?

14.)What is Kryo serializer ?

15.)What is a driver program?

16.)What is the default resource manager in spark?

17.)How to kill a job in Hadoop?

18.)How to deploy spark job in cluster mode?

19.) In which langiage spark is built

20.) What is the current Spark version ?

Hadoop - What is a Job in Hadoop ?

In the field of computer science , a job just means a piece of program and the same rule applies to the Hadoop ecosystem as wel...